Jennifer Stromer-Galley’s Presidential Campaigning in the Internet Age (Oxford University Press, 2014)

In this issue of the Political Communication Report we document in written form the lively author-meets-critics roundtable on Jennifer Stromer-Galley’s (2014) Presidential Campaigning in the Internet Age, held at the 2015 APSA Political Communication Preconference in San Francisco on September 2, 2015. The smyposium includes the contributions from all critics as wells as the response by Jennifer Stromer-Galley. Kathleen Searles, the organizer of preconference briefly introduces the roundtable.

Introduction to the Symposium

Kathleen Searles, Louisiana State University

Critics’ Commentary

Yannis Theocharis, University of Mannheim

Daniel Kreiss, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

David Karpf, George Washington University

Heather Evans, Sam Houston University

Author’s Response

Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Syracuse University
