Welcome to the Political Communication Report (PCR)

The Political Communication Report (PCR) is a bi-annual online publication catering to the needs and interests of the international political communication community. It is a public platform featuring short articles of current interest to the field, along with an interview section showcasing notable recent work by members of the APSA and ICA Political Communication section/division.

As a forum for our scholarly community, the PCR fills the gap between short-lived social media posts or newsletter announcements, and long-form research publications in journals. Each issue revolves around a specific theme and consists of anywhere between three and eight submissions plus interviews with award winners and other persons from across the globe contributing notable work to the field. Its main aim is to facilitate discussion and exchange of ideas about the state of the field.

Articles are usually solicited via the editor, but can also be pitched by members of the community. While articles should not exceed 2000 words, they can address new ideas or offer a distillation of previous work, such as poster write-ups or summaries of relevant book releases.

Current Issue:

Upcoming Issues:
  • Fall, 2024 (Issue 30): “Normative Dimensions of Political Communication Research & Theorizing”

Past Issues:

Questions, comments, suggestions? Please contact the current PCR editor: Curd Knüpfer