We have several ways for you to share your announcements!

Please visit the APSA/ICA Political Communication Section/Division blog! Located at www.politicalcommunication.org/blog, the blog is a space to share upcoming conferences, seek collaboration for projects, display job posting information, carry on political communication discussion, etc. We encourage you to follow the blog, share it with fellow political communication colleagues and upload your own postings.

We have two posting options available to you:
1) Send an email to policommblog.aspaica@blogger.com. Put the title of your post in the subject line, the content of your post in the body of the message, and sign the post like you would any email. The blog immediately updates with your post once you hit send!

2) Send any blog announcements, topics for discussion, etc. to the blog coordinator, Maegan Stephens (maegan@mail.utexas.edu) and she will be happy to upload the post for you.

Also, join our facebook page!

Please consider making a visit and contributing!

Posting your announcements on the blog and Facebook