Mini-Interviews with the 2015 PolComm Best-Paper Awardees

This year again, the APSA and ICA meetings not only featured outstanding research on political communication but also awarded it! We did not let them get of the hook that easily and asked the lead author of each paper a few questions. Do make sure to check out their answers and, most importantly, the excellent work of these fine political communication scholars!

Interviews with the 2015 APSA Political Communication Best Paper Awardees

1. Paul Lazarsfeld Best Paper Award: Joanne M. Miller and Kyle L. Saunders (with Christina Farhart) for ‘Conspiracy Endorsement as Motivated Reasoning: The Roles of Political Knowledge and Trust’

2. Timothy E. Cook Best Graduate Student Paper Award: Matthew N. Tokeshi for ‘Countering Implicit Appeals: Which Strategies Work?’

Interviews with the 2015 ICA Political Communication Best Paper Awardees

3. Best Faculty Paper Award: Shira Dvir-Gvirsman (with R. Kelly Garrett and Yariv Tsfati) for ‘Why Do Partisan Audience Participate? Perceived Public Opinion as the Mediating Mechanism’

4. Best Student Paper Award: Mark Boukes (with Hajo Boomgaarden, Marjolein Moorman, and Claes de Vreese) for ‘It’s Fun! But is it Effective? The Appreciation, Processing, and Persuasiveness of Political Satire’

5. Top-Three Student Paper Award: Lotte Melenhorst for ‘The Media’s Role in Lawmaking: A Case Study Analysis’

6. Top-Three Student Paper Award: Eran Amsalem (with Tamir Sheafer, Stefaan Walgrave, Peter John Loewen, and Stuart N. Soroka) for ‘Political Systems, Media Motivation, and the Integrative Complexity of Politicians’
