Hello and welcome to The Political Communication Report, the newsletter for the Political Communication Divisions of the American Political Science Association (APSA) and the International Communication Association (ICA)!

Editor’s note: This is the first issue of my three-year term as newsletter editor and the start of my work as a webmaster for our divisions. I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to Talia Stroud for helping me transition smoothly into PCR’s editorship. I look forward to working with the members and leadership of the divisions. The overarching objective will be to maintain and develop PCR as a unique communication space for our division members and anyone interested in political communication research. This task will involve a major overhaul and relaunch of the site, which we hope will be realized later this year. So stay tuned! If in the meantime you have an idea for PCR’s development or a contribution, please let me know!

In this edition of PCR, please find:

(a) Feature: Previewing the PolComm ICA Preconferences and Summer School

The annual ICA conference is just around the corner (see Announcements section)! It will feature not only an outstanding collection of currentpolitical communication research but also two preconferences organized by members and sponsored by our  division. Preconferences provide opportunities to devote a full-day program of presentations to questions worked on at the frontiers of our field. Here the organizers of this year’s preconferences discuss the importance of their themes for polcomm researchers and preview the programs for Seattle.

We also introduce another great offering of our division, the International Summer School in Political Communication and Electoral Behaviour, once again held this year in Milan, Italy.

(b) Announcements with particular relevance to the field and our divisions, including several calls for applications.

If you have not already done so, please also join our divisions on Facebook to receive the most up-to-date information on job postings, calls for papers, etc.!

A big thank you to the contributors to this newsletter! Please send me any feedback and suggestions you might have on this issue or possible improvements to PCR.

Wishing you a great start of spring and looking forward to meeting you in Seattle,

Eike Mark Rinke
Research Associate, University of Mannheim
